Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Irish bass need your help

I'm an Aussie ex-pat living in Ireland.

One of Irelands great fishing treasures has been the recent resurgence in the inshore bass fishery due to a moratorium on professional fishing of this important sportfishing species. (see some of my trip reports for examples)
However recently the Irish Govt appears to be leaning towards reinstating this commercial fishery, despite advices from fisherys watchdogs to the contrary and despite the short and long term damage this will cause to both the fishery as a whole, but also to the associated tourist trade.

I'd be grateful if you could all take the time to visit and send an email or letter petition to the relevant minister to stop this.
I have today asked Steve Starling to make a representation on behalf of the Australian recreational angling press and am hoping an article will be written comparing this lack of foresight in Ireland to the opposite shown in Australia with the removal of professional netting in estuaries and in the US with the removal of professional fishing for Striped Bass (a close cousin of the European Sea Bass) and the benefits that those 2 economies have experienced as the result of their strong stand.

Unfortunately the situation is that the Irish Govt showed commendable foresight in the 1990s to ban a commercial fishery for this species, but they are now on the verge of undoing all the progress they have made since.

As an Irish bass fisherman I am asking my fellow Australian fishermen to provide the help we are known for so this wonderful and unique fishery is preserved.

Thanks in advance

Some links: - online petition - 15 seconds please sign!

Please sign the petition at
And please write or email directly to the Minister if you can


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